1 lb lean ground beef
1 small onion, diced (about 1/2 cup)
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 lg can (28oz) diced tomatoes, undrained
1 can (16oz) chili beans in sauce, undrained
1 can (15oz) tomato sauce
2 TBSP chili powder
1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
Brown beef in medium sauce pan with onions.
Combine all other ingredients, and cook in Crock Pot for 6-8 hours on Low.
Comments from the cook: I'll admit it. I've always been afraid to make homemade chili! Brian doesn't care for beans, but likes chili...when it's just right. I've been afraid to try my hand at it for that reason. I found this recipe on the Betty Crocker website, and thought I'd dive right in.
Betty's recipe calls for twice as much beef and onion. I thought such a large helping of beef might grow hair on a person's chest(!), so I opted out. And, as some of you know, I HATE onions. Love the flavor, but I hate when a dish is full of the soggy little devils.
We ate this with saltines and a bit of cheese on top. A new favorite!
Originally found here on the Betty Crocker website. Adapted to fit our tastes...
ooooo-you are using your new white bowl...so pretty and with the chili contrast and the crackers with oh such a little bit of chili on the edge....magnificant! Oh, and I am excited to try the chili too!