
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

All Things Pumpkin

I can't stand it.  I can't take it.  I've got cans of solid pack pumpkin in my cupboard that are DYING to be used.  What shall it be?

I could go with the ever-reliable Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins... Only a few ingredients, and easy-peasy.

Or I might be tempted to make a season-opening batch of my mom's Pumpkin Muffins... They're my favorite way to bask in the beginning of Fall.

Then again, it probably couldn't hurt to get a little fancy and go with the Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins...

But really, how could I resist my maybe-favorite-of-all, Pumpkin Pie Bars?

Heck, if you need me, maybe I'll be busy...making all four. :)


  1. Have you seen PW's pumpkin cream pie? I so want to try it, but I'm afraid husband won't like it and I'll be stuck eating the whole thing. Which isn't necessarily terrible except I'm trying to lose weight, not gain it. :)

  2. Um, you know when you randomly post on people's facebook telling them you've made too much of (insert treat here) and you need to come drop them off?

    If it's pumpkin, please stumble on my facebook page. Please.
